This project involved the construction of a second milk powder drying tower at the existing facility. Our company was engaged to carry out the initial topographical survey and supply of asbuilt information as required, establishment of survey control and construction setout grids, with structures checked for both position and height as required.
Author: IainW
Tirimoana Place Subdivision
Ohakea Flight Simulator
This is one of our favourite projects. It involves the annual calibration of the RNZAF’s helicopter simulator to ensure that the “virtual reality” experience operates within required parameters. This is achieved by measuring points, the position of which must be in the correct spatial relationship to the pilots eye position.
BP Station – Wanganui
Our involvement started with the initial topographical survey and supply of asbuilt information sourced from various providers. Continuing work included the location of existing boundary marks, survey control and construction grid setout, and a check on the position of boxing prior to building construction.